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Hi, I’m Coach Stephen 

I’m 60 years-old in May 2024 and I have been carnivore since my 55th birthday, so this year is my 5 year carniversary. I hold a BSc.(Hons.) in physiology and health sciences. In the UK I hold specialist practitioner status in managing Obesity and Diabetes (UK qualified) and I am also a qualified phlebotomist which means I am quite lucky in having access to blood work.

As you probably tell my main interest in my professional life is understanding how the human body works and applying that knowledge to help people either regain health or optimise those that are already reasonably fit.

My personal low-carb journey started at age 50

When I started began that way and then I did what most people do and I eventually tried Keto. The obvious progression from there was to try carnivore, it was by 55th birthday. This was also when I studied under Dr Shawn Baker at MeatRx (now Revero) to become a certified online Coach. Currently I have over 1,000 reviews from happy clients from that platform and from the Steak and Butter Gang too. Recently I begun to document all the transformations in health and body composition and have a growing daily library of video success stories (over 130 at the time of writing) that I am immensely proud of and will be continually adding to.

I have had many health issues before going low-carb at age 50

By age 49 I was pre-diabetic, that has completely reversed.

I had a coronary artery score of 639, but I am still alive after all these years!

Lower left quadrant pain that required a colonoscopy investigating the issues. Resolved on Keto.

Deafness requiring hearing aids, hearing has improved in the last 3 years! Which I have a YouTube video about.

Skin rash on forehead, completely gone.

Athlete’s foot for over 30 years which I had not even realised had cleared up completely with no intervention, just nutrition. I was just so used to having it I’d forgotten all about it.

Back pain in early life and the ‘healthy diet.’

When I was 23 I was told by a very convincing doctor with images of my hip that I would be ‘in a wheelchair by the time I was 50.’ Well I got past 50 without that happening but I did have other issues going through my 30s and 40s. Rashes, colds, joint pains and knee trouble. My digestion was a mess and I was very gassy (which also has thankfully gone)

Plus I was getting tubbier and tubbier, even though I did not drink or smoke and I ate ‘healthily’ in inverted commas. Porridge, low-fat everything, freshly squeezed orange juice, grains, veggie and fruit etc.

Although my skin stretched from previously being overweight I got my abs back as well as my health thanks to carnivore and eating more! Possibly fasting will tighten up the skin over time?

So all my ‘health issues’ have been resolved completely or managed to some degree.

Early Years 

At a very early age I started playing football and by the time I was 16 I was semi-professional. I still hold an Football Association coaching badge.

I also have successfully coached an olympic athlete and in my forties I was a competitive runner and have competed in 5Km, 10Km, 10 mile and Half-Marathons. Also training a 50-year-old overweight man to become one of the top 25% marathon runners in the world.

I am enjoying my online coaching role, helping people achieve their goals, through exercise and low-carb, keto or a carnivore way of eating, making them feel fitter and better about themselves. 

Some clients keep progressing and signing up for more, so that probably speaks volumes about how much they have got out of the online coaching or personal training experience. It not always about training someone to be super fit, I get as much pleasure out of helping someone going from a Zimmer frame to walking or from having a very bent over back to being able to stand upright (see the before and after below)

I have always enjoyed fitness and being around people that wish to push their body further, before qualifying as a Personal Trainer I competed in a Bodybuilding tournament and found plenty of people there going as far as they could push their body naturally. 

Over the years I have tried lots of different ‘healthy’ eating styles and plans to help my training and to keep healthy, I have finally found one that makes perfect sense and works, this inspired me to write my own book. 

I have also produced some health information videos for my community network and YouTube channel. I feel I am good at getting my point across and feel my workouts and videos are informative, fun and well presented. This might owe something to my background in the media working as an actor, then as a stuntman in shows like Ultimate Force and finally as a body double in films such as Batman (The Dark Knight) and The Bourne Ultimatum.

How to find me

Carnivores Community


Youtube channel:

Email: [email protected]

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